Weather in Prague

Day: cloudy
-2 - +2 C

Night: cloudy
-3 - -7 C

1Euro = 1.17 USD = 29.05 Czech crowns

List of chosen services

Here you will find the list of chosen services with prices. To choose a hotel, an excursion or any other service offered by our website, please first click “Details” and then “Basket”. The buttons are situated at the right-hand part of every description.

Events in Czech Republic in the next month

New excursions

Бархатный сезон в Праге

С приходом золотой осени Прага становится еще красивее и уютнее. А цены на проживание в пражских отелях и пенсионах в «бархатный сезон» снижаются по сравнению с летом на 50 % !

On-line consultations

please ask your questions

ICQ 326-020-137

by phone: +420 775 369 367

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Skoda Fabia

Skoda Fabia

rental of economy class car Skoda Fabia - price is for 1 day of rental.

Capacity: 4 pers.
30 Euro
Skoda Octavia

Skoda Octavia

rental of business class car Skoda Octavia - price is for 1 day of rental.

Capacity: 5 pers.
50 Euro